- From: Mainz, Germany
- 1998-2004: MSc ("Dipl.-Ing.") in Mechnical Engineering, TU Darmstadt, Germany
- 2005-2009: PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
- 2009-2010: PostDoc in Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London, UK
- Since 2010: Deputy director/Akademischer Rat at the University of Stuttgart
- Since 2020: Deputy director/Akademischer Oberrat at the University of Stuttgart
- Since 01.12.2022: Professor at KIT (Karlsruhe)
- 2003: Patent DE 10322357A1
- 2005: Hans-Blickle Preis for MSc thesis on the "LES of flow in an internal combustion engine"
- 2009: EPSRC UK PhD Plus Award for high impact post-doctorial research
- 2013: Distinguished Paper Award of the Combustion Institute for S. Ukai, A. Kronenburg, O.T. Stein, Proc. Combust. Inst. 34:1643-1650 (2013)
- 2017: Distinguished Paper Award of the Combustion Institute for M. Rieth, A.G. Clements, M. Rabacal, F. Proch, O.T. Stein, A. Kempf, Proc. Combust. Inst. 36:2181-2189 (2017)