Publications (prior to IRST)
- S. Navarro‐Martinez and A. Kronenburg, “Analysis of Stabilization Mechanisms in Lifted Flames,” AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1190, no. 1, pp. 13–38, (2009).
- K. Vogiatzaki, A. Kronenburg, M. J. Cleary, and J. H. Kent, “Multiple mapping conditioning of turbulent jet diffusion flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 1679–1685, (2009).
- S. Navarro-Martinez and A. Kronenburg, “LES–CMC simulations of a lifted methane flame,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 1509–1516, (2009).
- M. R. G. Zoby, S. Navarro-Martinez, A. Kronenburg, and A. J. Marquis, “Gas-Phase Mixing in Droplet Arrays,” in 2nd Conference on Turbulence and Interactions, St. Lucia, Martinique (2009), (2009).
- A. Kronenburg and M. J. Cleary, “Multiple mapping conditioning for flames with partial premixing,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 155, no. 1, pp. 215–231, (2008).
- P. Vaishnavi, A. Kronenburg, and C. Pantano, “On the spatial resolution for scalar dissipation measurement in turbulent jet flames,” J. Fluid Mech., vol. 596, pp. 103–132, (2008).
- A. Kronenburg, “Conditional Moment Closure for Large-Eddy Simulation,” in COST action LES-AID workshop, 21./22. November 2008, Czestochowa, Poland, (2008).
- S. Navarro-Martinez and A. Kronenburg, “LES-CMC simulations of a turbulent bluff-body flame,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 1721–1728, (2007).
- A. Kronenburg, “Spray Combustion – A Fresh Perspective,” in Combustion Symposium (ANZ Section) and Australian Flame Days, Sydney, 10.-11. Dec, (2007).
- M. J. Cleary and A. Kronenburg, “‘Hybrid’ multiple mapping conditioning on passive and reactive scalars,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 151, no. 4, pp. 623–638, (2007).
- M. J. Cleary and A. Kronenburg, “Multiple mapping conditioning for extinction and reignition in turbulent diffusion flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 1497–1505, (2007).
- K. Vogiatzaki, M. J. Cleary, A. Kronenburg, and J. H. Kent, “Modelling of inhomogeneous turbulent reacting flows by multiple mapping conditioning,” in in Proc. 3rd Europ. Combust. Meeting, Chania, Greece, (2007).
- S. Navarro-Martinez and A. Kronenburg, “Large Eddy Simulations of a CH4 lifted flame using Conditional Moment Closure,” in in Proc. 3rd Europ. Combust. Meeting, Chania, Greece, (2007).
- M. J. Cleary and A. Kronenburg, “Multiple mapping conditioning in homogeneous reacting flow,” in in Proc. 3rd Europ. Combust. Meeting, Chania, Greece, (2007).
- M. Kostka, A. Kronenburg, and S. Navarro-Martinez, “Extended conditional moment closure for Large-Eddy-Simulation,” in in Proc. 3rd Europ. Combust. Meeting, Chania, Greece, (2007).
- S. Navarro-Martinez, A. Kronenburg, and W. P. Jones, “Assessment of LES Combustion Models for Hydrogen Autoignition based on Subgrid Probability Density Functions,” in 11th Int’l Conference on Combustion, Granada, Spain, (2006).
- F. G. Cerru, A. Kronenburg, and R. P. Lindstedt, “Systematically reduced chemical mechanisms for sulfur oxidation and pyrolysis,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 146, no. 3, pp. 437–455, (2006).
- P. Vaishnavi and A. Kronenburg, “Numerical analysis of scalar dissipation length scales and their scaling properties,” in 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Tampa Bay, Florida, USA, (2006).
- S. Navarro-Martinez, A. Kronenburg, and W. P. Jones, “Investigation of LES-CMC modelling in a bluff-body stabilized non-premixed flame,” in 4th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Williamsburgh, Virginia, (2005).
- F. G. Cerru, A. Kronenburg, and R. P. Lindstedt, “A systematically reduced reaction mechanism for sulphur oxidation,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1227–1235, (2005).
- A. E. Papoutsakis, A. Kronenburg, and W. P. Jones, “Assessment of Sub-grid Scale Modelling for Large-Eddy Simulation during Transition from Laminar to Turbulent Flow,” in in Proc. 2nd Europ. Combust. Meeting, Louvain, (2005).
- A. Kronenburg and A. E. Papoutsakis, “Conditional moment closure modeling of extinction and re-ignition in turbulent non-premixed flames,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 759–766, (2005).
- S. Navarro-Martinez and A. Kronenburg, “Pollutant predictions in a bluff-body stabilized non-premixed flame using a Large-Eddy Simulation CMC model,” in in Proc. 2nd Europ. Combust. Meeting, Louvain, (2005).
- F. G. Cerru, A. Kronenburg, and R. P. Lindstedt, “A comparison of detailed and reduced chemical mechanisms for sulphur oxidation,” in in Proc. 2nd Europ. Combust. Meeting, Louvain, (2005).
- A. Kronenburg and M. Kostka, “Modeling extinction and reignition in turbulent flames,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 143, no. 4, pp. 342–356, (2005).
- A. Kronenburg and M. Kostka, “Modelling of Turbulent Flames using Variable Pre-Conditioned Moments,” in ECCOMAS, Lisbon, Portugal, (2005).
- S. Navarro-Martinez, A. Kronenburg, and F. diMare, “Conditional Moment Closure for Large Eddy Simulations,” Flow, Turbul. Combust., vol. 75, pp. 245--274, (2005).
- S. Navarro-Martinez and A. Kronenburg, “Conditional Moment Closure Modelling in Large Eddy Simulation,” in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Trends in Numerical and Physical Modelling of Turbulent Processes in Gas Turbine Combustors, Heidelberg, (2004).
- A. Kronenburg, “Double conditioning of reactive scalar transport equations in turbulent nonpremixed flames,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 2640–2648, (2004).
- A. Kronenburg, “Doubly-Conditioned Moment Closure of Turbulent Reacting Flows,” in in Proc. 1st Europ. Combust. Meeting, Orleans, (2003).
- A. Kronenburg and R. W. Bilger, “Modelling Differential Diffusion in Nonpremixed Reacting Turbulent Flow: Model Development,” Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 166, no. 1, pp. 195–227, (2001).
- A. Kronenburg and R. W. Bilger, “Modelling Differential Diffusion in Nonpremixed Reacting Turbulent Flow: Application to Turbulent Jet Flames,” Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 166, no. 1, pp. 175–194, (2001).
- A. Kronenburg, R. W. Bilger, and J. H. Kent, “Modeling soot formation in turbulent methane–air jet diffusion flames,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 121, no. 1, pp. 24–40, (2000).
- A. Kronenburg, R. W. Bilger, and J. H. Kent, “Computation of Conditional Average Scalar Dissipation in Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flames,” Flow, Turbul. Combust., vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 145--159, Jul. (2000).
- A. Kronenburg, R. W. Bilger, and J. H. Kent, “Second-order conditional moment closure for turbulent jet diffusion flames,” Symposium (International) on Combustion, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 1097–1104, (1998).
- A. Kronenburg, R. W. Bilger, and J. H. Kent, “Improvement to Conditional Moment Closure Modelling of Nitric Oxide in Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flames,” in Proc. 1997 Australian Symposium on Combustion and The Fifth Australian Flame Days, Sydney, 78-82, (1997).
- A. Kronenburg and R. W. Bilger, “Modelling of differential diffusion effects in nonpremixed nonreacting turbulent flow,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1435–1447, (1997).
- A. Kronenburg, R. W. Bilger, and J. H. Kent, “On the Modelling of Conditional Scalar Dissipation in Locally Self-Similar Flows,” in Proc. 11th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Grenoble, France, 7.24-7.29, (1997).