This image shows Andreas Kronenburg

Andreas Kronenburg

Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Director of the Institute
Institute for Reactive Flows


+49 711 685 65635
+49 711 685 55635

Pfaffenwaldring 31
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 03.320

Office Hours

Fridays, 09:00-10:00

  • 1989-1994: RWTH Aachen, Studies in Mechanical Engineering
  • 1992-1993: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Study abroad
  • 1993-1994: University of California at Davis, USA, Study abroad
  • 1995-1998: The University of Sydney, Australien, PhD in Combustion Science
  • 1999-2000: DaimerChrysler AG, Stuttgart, R&D engineer of utility vehicles
  • 2000-2007: Imperial Collge London, UK, Governor's Lecturer in Thermofluids
  • 2007-2008: Imperial College London, UK, Reader in Combustion
  • since 2009: University of Stuttgart, Director of IRST Stuttgart, Professor
  • 1992-1993: Dr.-Carl-Duisberg-Stiftung, Scholar
  • 1992-1994: The German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Scholarship
  • 1994: Springorum Denkmünze: Award by the friends of the RWTH Aachen for excellence in undergraduate studies
  • 1995-1998: OPRS, Postgraduate Studies Scholarship by the University of Sydney, Australia
  • 1997: Best paper award, Australian Symposium on Combustion: The Combustion Institute, Australian and New Zealand Section
  • 2005: Sudgen Award: Award by the Combustion Institute (Britisch Section) for the "most significant contribution to combustion science in 2004", A. Kronenburg, Physics of Fluids 16:2640-2648 (2004)
  • 2006: Sudgen Award: Award by the Combustion Institute (Britisch Section) for the "most significant contribution to combustion science in 2005", S. Navarro-Martinez, A. Kronenburg, and F. di Mare. Flow, Turbul. Combust. 75:245-274 (2005)
  • 2006: Hinshelwood Prize: Award by the Combustion Institute (Britisch Section) for the "most meritorious work of a young researcher"
  • 2007: Visiting Scholar, The University of Sydney, Australia
  • 2009-2018: Visiting Professor, Imperial College London, UK
  • 2013: Distinguished Paper Award of the Combustion Institute for S. Ukai, A. Kronenburg, O.T. Stein, Proc. Combust. Inst. 34:1643-1650 (2013)
  • 2015: Visiting Scholar, The University of Sydney, Australia
  • 2019: Fellow of the Combustion Institute
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